We are often asked whether it is okay to move someone from their home with dementia to dementia home care of nursing care or some type of elderly care home if their needs are not sufficient for full-time nursing care. There is no blanket answer. There is no right or wrong way to do things.
If a person with dementia is living in their own home, being cared for by their spouse or other family members, then they are probably in the best place they can be, surrounded by the best care possible. It is only when the family cannot provide the same level of care, or it becomes difficult to cope with the increasing demands with time and patience, that consideration needs to be given to other options. When this happens will depend on personal circumstances. It may be that the spouse has failed physical care and may not understand the psychological demands of caring for a loved one with dementia. Keeping your spouse at home to care for the elderly and giving up is the most difficult task. But if your own health is seriously threatened, this may be the only option.
Dementia nursing care is not who she was. There is a generation that remembers post-war Britain's institutional horrors, but now things are very different. Changes in law by progressive and person-centered government policies have forced the industry to become advanced, modern, and competitive. Gone are the old Victorian piles converted into residential homes by their owners as a more attractive alternative to B & Bs. Also now, with the demise of Southern Cross's misguided money-making venture, ambitious financial speculation over the risk of proper elderly care is over. Modern elderly care homes have bright, light, spacious spaces with equipment suitable for physical fraud and well-trained staff. You can expect good food and a welcome atmosphere. Bedrooms are now almost all en suite and single occupancy. New care homes are not built with shared rooms, although you can find some with larger, double rooms for couples who have similar needs and want to live together.
Activities have become an important part of daily care home life. There should be a program on offer for things to go out or to attend the events. Arrangements can be made for social activities within the home among the residents. Some people may prefer to have a little peace and quiet, it should also be readily available to those who do not want to be part of a group. The care of the elderly may not be the ideal answer to everyone's problem in the home, but things can get worse. day. In fact, once experienced, dementia nursing care improves which is isolated and isolated at home. If you want to get involved, there is always someone around, service on tap, things to see and things to do.
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